TRAINER : Katie Graham TRAINER : Michelle Myers TRAINER : Lauren Ehrgott TRAINER : TRAINER : Jenn Bertagni TRAINER : Kristina Avanzato TRAINER : Leah Fisher TRAINER : Lexi LevinRhythm RIDE is a high intensity spin class that focuses on riding to the beat of the music with upper body movements that feel like a dance party on the bike while giving you a full body work out. During this 45-minute or 60-minute class, you will be empowered to push, climb, sprint while focusing on becoming the strongest, healthiest, happiest version of yourself. The lights will be dim, the music will be powerful, and the energy is sure to leave you feeling energized and refreshed. Instructors for Rhythm RIDE tend to spend more time out of the saddle than in the saddle. With plenty of modifications available, all fitness levels will find this RIDE to be rewarding and challenging.